3in30 Takeaways for Moms is a podcast that gives parents (geared towards mothers) three doable takeaways in a 30 minute episode that can help bring more meaning and functionality to child-rearing. I find it wonderful with a wide range of topics and ages covered. https://3in30podcast.com/
Baby Sign Language This is a lovely website that is my go-to when I don’t know a sign for a word frequently used by a family on my caseload. They have all the signs that you could want for use with baby sign in an easy to use dictionary. For each word, they have printable flashcards, usage explanations, and corresponding videos demonstrating the sign (for the most popular words). Note: this is not a comprehensive sign language resource for teaching yourself or your child American Sign Language. https://www.babysignlanguage.com/
Healthy Children.org The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed this website as a resource for parents and caregivers. They cover mental, physical, and social health in all ages and stages of childhood (and even into young adulthood). I find myself returning to this site often for simple explanations on a variety of topics from a trusted and researched backed source. https://www.healthychildren.org/
Info about Kids.org Leaders of seven divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA) have formed a consortium to provide a web resource center for behavioral science-based information on children, youth and families. They have four main categories of information: body, mind, emotions, relationships. https://infoaboutkids.org/
Kids Health I turn to this site for basic information on many topics over and over. It contains doctor reviewed advice on hundreds of topics relating to children and teen’s health (physical, emotional, and behavioral health). They have tabs on most topics that present information in different formats for children, teens, parents and educators. https://kidshealth.org/
Portion Sizes for Toddlers from Infant and Toddler Forum. I love this site because you’re able to visualize food portions. (Remember: these pictures represent ONE serving size and each food group has their own recommendations for how many servings to have each day. So each meal might have several of these pictured servings in them). This is a British site so some of the wording might be different than what my American readers might be familiar with. https://infantandtoddlerforum.org/toddlers-to-preschool/portion-sizes-for-toddlers/toddler-portion-sizes-table/
What is Early Intervention? from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is a good overview of what Early Intervention looks like on the national level and it contains links for each state’s individual program. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/parents/states.html