Your Baby’s Eyes: 11 Strange (but harmless) Newborn Quirks

If you know anything about newborns, you know that they aren’t the most interactive little ones during their first several weeks and months of life after birth. Even knowing this, you still might not be able to help yourself from trying to smile into your baby’s eyes the same way you would an older baby, looking for recognition, laughter, connection. What you’re more likely to find, during this early stage of development for your child, is a variety of eye conditions, quirks, and peculiarities that could be alarming if you didn’t know what to expect. Today, we’re going to rapid-fire review many of these quirks so that when you find yourself lovingly staring down into your newly born baby’s eyes, you’re able to greet them into this world with a few less concerns.

What I’ve Learned from Newbery Medal Books: A Book Report

As I’ve been reading through the Newbery Medal winners so far, I’ve found myself ruminating on a couple of questions:

1. What is it that makes a Newbery Medal winner book a “Newbery Book”? What about it made it stand out from all the other new children’s literature that same year?
2. If I were to write a children’s book following the patterns learned from these all-stars, what would it entail?